Monday, March 7, 2011


There have been bombings and killings all in the name of religion and everyone is scared of his neighbour, everyone is yelling about the inhumane treatment of the faithful. We point accusing fingers at our Muslim brothers, and even the Muslim brothers can’t withstand our pride of calling ourselves God’s children, but that should be understandable.
Understandable, Yea! If not, then what should we say about the bloodless wars that permeate the Christendom? We fight for superiority, my church is ‘tusher’ than yours, God answers prayer more in my church, we administrate more in my church, my pastor is richer than yours... and the list goes on.
We are on a marketing strategy where the church with the best publicity department gets the most of believers. In fact, if you have the power of healing, you have an added advantage because your market would sell more than the orthodox bible believing folks. Also, if there are managers and top shots among your congregation, then graduates will flock there because you have just given them an avenue to secure plum jobs and trust, the tithes will roll in.
Peradventure your pastor happens to be a university graduate, he would understand how to put that godly swag on and portray the sophisticated Jesus. If however, he is a handsome dude, then the number of creamy chics will tripple that of the guys, well not because the ladies are more spiritual though this seems to be the case, but because they hope to get hooked and the guys only come for wife shopping.
By now, the youths would have been running away from their dry old fashioned churches where their pastors still put on coats or ‘shoots’, they would have become rebellious to their parents who are not sure of the spiritual stand of these new fast rising eclectic, according to them, ‘penterascal churches’.
The parents can’t imagine how young people could dress like those going to the disco with high heels, bomb shorts, tubes, jeggings and the heavy make ups like those from the deep down ocean.
When the children are forced to those old churches, they either play music on their i-phones or those who have the devil’s berry will begin to ping. Yet the parents still get blessed in their old churches even if it has gradually become a ritual, and the youth are the most blessed in their new generation churches at least even if not spiritually, they get jobs.
Then the war continues, pastors preaching each other down, religious bodies throwing words around, church leaders beginning to steal members starting with the instrumentalists, offering them jumbo pays (services that used to be purely a sacrificial offering to God), sadly it is usually the old churches that teach these young ones the art of music. We hide under the false name of CAN as if all is well; we know all is not well.
But can we just turn back to our elder brother’s concern? I remember he had a deep concern he cried out to the father – that they may all be one! That they may all be one! That they may all be one! Only the father knows what we can achieve when the Evangelical is a brother of the Baptist, and the Presbyterian is not suspicious of the Pentecostal, the Methodist is not bad mouthing the Anglican, and we all embrace the Catholic, stopping the protest we know nothing about.
Only then can we achieve all that he expects of us; that we may all be one!