Thursday, March 17, 2011


Yinka is a beautiful girl with a great heart I am yet to fathom. Go for what you want, don’t rush for it. I guess I should start with what you ended your post with.
If you believe that someday your partner will come by divine design, then you should stay in a place where you can be found. Preparing for a relationship does not imply getting desperate, for example, preparing well for an examination does not mean you are desperate about it, it only implies that you intend to write it well, once and for all.
Like you rightly said, people expect you at this stage (final year) to bring forth an achiever or a successful man because you are in a level where you don’t want to play hide and seek games anymore. People may forgive you if you brought an unserious guy in your 100level, but not in your 500, even if they forgive you, I bet you won’t forgive yourself.
Take it or leave it, it takes only a successful person to complete a professional course such as Law. ‘We hardly notice how old we have grown or how successful we have become until we see our peers doing stuff, then we ask ourselves; what have I been doing all the while?’. This is why some girls don’t ever want to say yes, they believe they are still daddy’s baby girl who should not talk to guys even when they go about kissing them.
No one expects you to jump for just any guy, and no one says your ‘right man would show up like a super man’ but have you not chased him away with your – I must take my time?
You are young babe, enjoy your life, but remember also, some of your friends are married, what stops you if you think you are ripe for it.
Most of us don’t ever want to grow up because we are scared of commitments or we prefer the super star that will never come, but the truth is that we will never grow up.
Your friends may not have the convincing or the model relationships, but at least they settled for what they wanted, luckily, it could translate to what they actually need. And don’t be surprised when you get their IV’s, and you hear that they lived happily ever after – that doesn’t happen only in movies (even if they may have their grudges once in a while).
Rome was not built in a day, so are relationships, they are a bond of two imperfect beings, loving themselves perfectly.
I don’t intend to write another book here, but take time to go through the whole book before we know what next to talk about.
For the readers of this post apart from Yinka, you should get the book – MY POINT OF VIEW...relationships and love. YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO LOSE YOUR LIFE!

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