Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It burst forth from nothingness and filled the universe,
the waters, with its limitless depth
called forth the earth; the dust that is now known,
the galaxies all came on a procession,
the beauties in the Milky Way.

All creatures marched into existence –
the sunfly, the hippo,
the leviathan, the tadpoles,
all the known and the unknown,
they all marched into existence.

The earth groaned at conception,
the elements, unresting, cried at a crescendo,
the plant kingdom sprouted,
the thick forest gathered a moss,
and the mountains found their way.

But all these at His spoken words.

He raised his brow and folded his sleeves,
touched the dirt and formed from clay,
He gave it head that housed his brain,
gave it hands to from like him
armed with legs to possess all the created.

And the potter took a little step backwards,
took a deep breath and breathed in it.
It came alive and heard the words;
Take possession, Multiply, Take charge.

But he went aslumber and forgot the words,
Take possession, Multiply, Take charge,
he went asleep and forgot the words,
Take possession, Multiply, Take charge,

And then he died!

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