Monday, March 14, 2011


It is so amazing how we feel we know other people when we actually do not know ourselves. Most of the wrong decisions we make today is an indication of the fact that we have not taken time out to study ourselves and know how we have been formed and created. Everyone is carefully and wonderfully made for a specific task which lies ahead.
To some the notion of being black is a catastrophe and a scary nightmare they always want to wake up from, but history has proven that most of the strongest men are blacks. Why not tap into that realm, realize how just important you are and what God would have you do by making you the way you are. No one is born by accident, even a bastard child or an unwanted pregnancy is right in God’s plan and purpose, only when you realize that your birth is not the function of just some sensual craziness or just the mere desire of some two lovers coming together and making love, you would not understand who you are and what you are here to do. In fact your identity and your self evaluation will be limited to who your parents are and what they have in store for you.
Hello, before you were formed in the womb, God had known you and ordained you, that implies that before your parents came together at all, you were known by God, he knew you and set aside a vacuum for you to come and fill and an assignment for you to carry out. The world is not a better place today because you have not taken your place, everyone has a place to stand, a vacuum to fill, a gulf to bridge and a position to occupy, and not until we all take our rightful places, the world will never get better, and also our lives will never have meaning even if we acquire all the riches of the world.
Man’s greatest enemy is not the foes, witches and wizard, it is not the haters or beefers, man’s greatest enemy is the enemy inside. Nothing hurts more than the wrong decisions we make for ourselves. Most wrong decisions are results of the fact that we do not know ourselves.
Life is such that the real and most important things look the least interesting, while the useless things get the most of our attention. Little wonder why we can choose to watch a television series that will last for almost a day and feel no pain or stress about it. Tell the same person to read a few chapter of a book that will change his life, he would feel like the whole earth has been placed on him.
Self knowledge helps us in forming our ideologies and orientations about life which in turn help us to make the choices or decisions which will push us to the place of our success. The Flemish mystic, Jan van Ruysbroek (1293-1381), wrote: "Knowledge of ourselves teaches us whence we come, where we are, and whither we are going"

1 comment:

  1. Love this, congrats on your book! How can i get a copy? I believe and I know it's just the beginning, your best is yet to come coz you're born to reign, kares!
