Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I was pinned down by my elder sister, she had me go to the market with her to get some things, and I was amazed at what i saw...

On a normal day, when I get to female terrain, I try not to look around so much because it's not so hard to commit "lookery".

So it was that I maintained my gaze either at eye level or I look above to the sky and at my feet intermittently...you know that kind of situation, or let me guess, you have been there before!

Now that's not where I am going. While my eyes were going up and down, I was dazed by what I saw - Padded underwear of different types and sizes.

It then dawned on me, how we must have been deceived so many times by the seemingly 'big booties' or 'figure eights'.

Some of them are mere augmentations, a flattery of the never 'enoughs'.

Now not like I am against anyone trying to look good, the thought just struck..., 'not all that glitter is gold, what you see might not be what you get'.

What then is the deal? Don't be fooled by the appearances, what lies beneath that sumptuous look might just be distasteful.

Guess it's a lot more better to walk by faith and not by sight, it might after-all be a black market.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What's Our Price Tag?!

Recent happenings are far from palatable. Life has been unbearable for some, cut-off for others and the majority, they are just getting along.

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of every lamentation containing GEJ. I have had to ask myself, did Jonathan cause any of the mishap we are faced with especially the crash and deaths?

I am not a fan of GEJ and I don't in any way seek to get his back. But really, have you ever pictured yourself in his shoes? Some even said he was shedding Crocodile tears...people!

Aren't we the spellers of our own doom? What value do we place on our lives? An average Nigerian will cut corners no matter whose ox is gored or whose life will pay the bills.

Everyone of us is accountable for the fate of this nation,the pilot who knew the state of the plane and flew it nonetheless, the Engineer who certified the plane to be air-worthy, the owner who doesn't care about the passengers but the company's profit margin, the people at the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority who could not enforce standards...the list is endless.

Until we see human life as invaluable and treat it as such, we might just be on the preamble to more disaster. I am not a prophet of doom, I speak facts and the fact speak for itself.

Monday, May 28, 2012

What's the idea about?

The media is filled with so many sordid images. Just yesterday, a friend showed me the video of a twelve year old girl and a four year old boy making out in an almost open space.

Sanity has long lost it's meaning, decency has been flushed down the closet,the concept of reasoning is highly unreasonable, it's just a crazy world out there.

Just surfing the net now, I came across this picture that speaks so much about the beauty of blowing some jobs.

Psychologically, you just want it, you always want some more, can even steal out of your best friend's. You can fight for it, cry for it and long for it.
It's an ice cream, but what's all these about?!

Guard your mouth with all diligence!